Implementasi Sistem Pemantauan Penggunaan Energi Listrik pada Konsumen Berbasis Android
Android is part of a cellphone (mobile). Android is the OS (Operating System) of the Smartphone device itself for Linux-based mobile applications. Currently HP is widely used by the wider community as a medium for conveying and receiving information and communicating. At this time the monitoring and measurement of electrical energy in buildings still uses a conventional energy meter (kWh meter), namely the field induction method that will use an aluminum disc so that it will move a digital counter as a display of the number of kWh meters and there are also those who use a prepaid system but cannot provide information remotely. The development of technology at this time should information on the use of electrical energy can be known from anywhere. In order to be able to know and monitor the use of electrical energy itself, we need a device that can monitor the use of electrical energy remotely by using a microcontroller. This tool designed to monitor electrical energy utilizes the ZMPT101B voltage sensor to measure voltage, the ACS712 sensor to measure current, Arduino is used to utilize all data from the parameters needed to measure the amount of electrical energy consumption. GSM Shield serves to send information data to Android to display information that has been processed by Arduino. So by using an Android-based Arduino, using electrical energy in a house, office or building and the area can be known remotely using a smartphone.
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